Your Sadness and Frustration are valid.

Kumater Sedoo Peace
2 min readJun 3, 2022


When all around you seems gloomy and dark, it is valid to be sad and even be is ok to choose to lie in bed all day feeling sorry for yourself because after all, you've given it your best shot and still things choose to be how they are right now.

Well, that's how I felt right before writing this piece. I was still in bed, with my blanket covering my head and I just wanted to lie there all day but then something interrupted my thoughts as I lay there. A question actually;
You lie in bed all day then what?πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
It is valid for you to be sad and even angry then what?πŸ€”
It then occurred to me that no matter how valid my sadness, anger, and frustration may seem, it doesn't change anything.

It's either I choose to get my mess out there and deal with it or remain stuck with it while others make progress.
The fact is, life isn't fair, I don't think it is meant to be fair. But I think life is only fair to those who get hold of it and demand what is theirs by making each day count no matter how trivial and unappreciated what they do seem.
Nobody, I mean nobody is responsible for your happiness or productivity for creation has given you what it takes you just need to channel your energy into what is important.

So, instead of putting your energy into sadness and anger why not put it into taking that course, reading that book, writing that book, applying for that job or scholarship,hanging out with your buddies or just something worth it.
Don't go on in life feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing about it. The side effect is you begin to envy others while thinking they are just fortunate that's why things are working out for them.

Dude, Babe, everyone is trying to get their shit together, everyone is busy trying to make their life count and so it will be a waste of time to be waiting on anyone to make you feel good, wanted, productive or happy. It's true life sucks but you've got to keep going.

Why not take a chance? Give it a shoot!

There is a whole world out there for you to explore, problems are waiting for you to bring a solution to them, and people are looking up to you as a role model or for encouragement.
Never forget you have what it takes!πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š
Believe in yourself, but more than anything, believe in God the sustainer of all creation.



Kumater Sedoo Peace

An optimist, a veterinarian in training. Views life and situations from different angles.