It’s not wrong to question God.

Kumater Sedoo Peace
4 min readMay 1, 2022

Most times God seems distant in moments when we need him the most. It seems like he closes his eyes from hearing us or shuts his ears from seeing the hardship, injustice and pains we are experiencing. He seems incapable of serving us or maybe he doesn’t just care.
Day and night we cry, our eyes are swollen and our stomachs ache from shouting for help and our voices are gone so much more that we only groan.
Why is God so distant?
Oh wait the first question is;
If there is a God, why does he allow injustice to prevail, why do the evil and wicked seem to have the best of life while being cruel to others and yet go unpunished?
If there is a God and he claims to love us why does he take away our loved ones and what we care so much about?
Why does he allow good people to die And leave the wicked alive?
Why do we have to pray so long for him to answer if he is God or does he delight in seeing men suffer?
If he knows from the beginning to the end, why doesn’t he stop evil from happening?
These are a few questions men ask frequently
Others are bold to voice it out while others ask them quietly because they aren’t sure if it’s okay to do so.
I ask these questions often, especially when I’m overwhelmed with situations and I know you ask them too.
When reality stares you in the face and seems to contradict what you know about God’s faithfulness, then it’s okay to question God.
Do you know why?
Even the greatest of men that ever lived came to some points in life where they were overwhelmed with pain and anguish. Their souls reached out to the one whom they know could help but everywhere was quiet. The saviour asked, "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?" At some point, He wished it was possible not to fulfil destiny.
Maybe you are at that point in life. Please don’t hold back your pain but direct it to the One to whom it is supposed. He isn’t angry that you question Him because he doesn’t lack answers but this questioning should bring you to a place of pouring out your hurts to your maker, and trusting that even if your questions aren’t answered they remind you of who He is and what he can do hence strengthen your trust in Him.
This questioning is what is called LAMENTATIONS.
Something unique about it is that it’s a humble dispostion that goes from questioning to asking and then trusting!

It’s not judgemental or rude!
“It gives voice to the pain you feel but also anchors your heart to what you believe- or are trying to believe when dark clouds linger. Lament dares to hope while life is hard. It shows us that hope does not come from a change in circumstances but from what you know is true despite the situation in front of you. That is, you live through suffering by what you believe not by what you feel or see. Lament is a prayer of faith despite your fear and anger”- Mark Vroegop
So instead of being angry at everyone and everything, allow that pain to birth hope, strength and courage to keep living and learning from it.
When you find yourself down to the bottom or in despair and can’t find the right word to express your state, let the psalmist lead you to a place of strength as you talk to God through his word.
Read it with a loved one that is hurting or struggling with an issue,it helps. Such psalms remind us we are not alone in our struggles and that it’s okay to pray that way.
A psalm I love says;
O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way?
How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand? Turn and answer me, O Lord my God! Restore the light to my eyes, or I will die.
Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, "We have defeated him!" Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.
But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
I will sing to the Lord because he has been so good to me-Psalm 13.
Check out Psalm 12,10;77;22; Lamentations 1-3



Kumater Sedoo Peace

An optimist, a veterinarian in training. Views life and situations from different angles.